Zhuzhou Diyuan Powder Metallurgy Furnace Co., Ltd (DMF), founded in 2003, is located at the national hometown of cemented carbide industry. DMF specializes in research, development as well as production of electrical furnaces for powder metallurgy and carbide manufacturing. Team DMF of key personnel devote over 30-years’ experience to innovate and customize to meet ever-increasing demands.
DMF consistently pursues innovation. By collaborating with top Chinese universities and Chinese Academy of Sciences, DMF adopted cross-disciplinary knowledge in material science and powder metallurgy to develop pioneering products. DMF, was awarded National Innovation Fund, titled High-tech Enterprise, and hold up to 19 certified patents so far.
DMF designs and manufactures market leading and technologically differentiated furnaces, as well as auxiliary equipments, alongside the whole powder metallurgy chain. DMF is also capable to provide customers with optimized and integrated technical solutions.
Because of DMF products’ premium quality and our outstanding customer service, DMF products are recognized by customers home and abroad.
DMF adopted cross-disciplinary knowledge in material science and powder metallurgy to develop pioneering products. DMF, was awarded National Innovation Fund, titled High-tech Enterprise, and hold up to 19 certified patents so far.
PM CHINA/CCEC CHINA/IACE CHINA 2020 12 -р сарын 14 -оос XNUMX -р сарын XNUMX -ний хооронд БНХАУ -ын Шанхай хотын Экспо хотод зохион байгуулагдлаа.
Коронавируст халдвар (COVID-19) -ын үед DMF баг гадаадад очиж ашиглалтанд орох боломжгүй юм.
Энэтхэгийн засгийн газар 30 оны 2020-р сарын 19-наас эхлэн COVID-XNUMX-ийн улмаас зөвшөөрөгдсөн бүх визээ хүчингүй болгов. DMF баг Энэтхэг рүү хийх аяллаа цуцлах ёстой.
Yes, please check the manual book accordingly. It’s writen in both English and Chinese
HS Code (10 Digit Harmonized code): 8514109000
Argon Purity: 99.999%